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Port Authority is a solution that I helped develop at Target. I was included in the development after it was 12 way complete. I was able to enable scanning of images pulled from Docker Hub (exisiting functunality was to scan images from private repos), as well as create a drone.io plugin to enable pipeline scanning of a container in github enterprise. It was my first real world experience with Go and API development. The final product is not perfect but it was a great learning experience and gets the job done.

From the README:

The Port Authority API is capable of orchestrating scans of individual public or private images as well as scanning entire private Docker registries like Docker Hub, Google Container Registry or Artifactory. To accomplish this, Port Authority breaks each Docker image into layers and sends it to the open source static analysis tool Clair in the backend to perform the scans and identify vulnerabilities. Upon completion of this workflow Port Authority maintains a manifest of the images and scan results.

Port Authority also supplies developers with customizable offerings to assist with the audit and governance of their container workloads. Port Authority provides a webhook that when leveraged by a Kubernetes admission controller will allow or deny deployments based off of user-defined policies and image attributes. Port Authority then achieves run-time inspection by integrating with Kubernetes to discover running containers and inventorying those deployed images for scanning.

Project link: https://github.com/target/portauthority

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